(Alfred, NY) -- A recent internet study performed at Google's headquarters in Mountain View, CA helps shed light on a new Kraiterman-Facebook trend that seems to have the Highland Park resident's Facebook inundated by attractive, young twenty-somethings and their feline companions. The study highlights attending art school in New York, owning cats and cat accessories, regular, habitual posting to the Garden Stater's wall, and having an admirable abundance of free time and energy as common traits for the hosts of what scientists are calling the, perhaps, most peculiar trend for the publicly acclaimed LIVE at Scott Kraiterman's Wall.
"The numbers are right," says Google Analytics operations engineer Jahnn Koppal, 52. "The numbers are right, and we all seem to have the same results over here. I guess I'm just not a cat person. I don't get it."
THIS KILLZ ME N MY CATZ. WE DIE OF LAUGHTER!!!! (but you cant spell laughter without slaughter)